Canadian Labour Congress: The Care Campaign

Care work is vital to the wellbeing of our families, communities and economy, yet, it continues to be undervalued and widely unrecognized.

There are all kinds of care workers. They don’t always come in uniform, but they take care of all of us in our time of need. Right now, care workers are doing everything they can to provide quality care – but with limited resources and staff shortages, they’re stretched beyond their limits.

It’s time to show we care. The Canadian Labour Congress has launched the Care Campaign, fighting for better work conditions for care workers and better care services for everyone.

This is an awareness campaign, highlighting the people who provide and receive care and their stories. The Care Hub hosts political action tools for the campaign – check it out on to learn more about how to get involved and start meaningful conversations about the care work in your community. We need government to invest in creating better jobs for those who provide care, along with supporting our communities with access to affordable, quality care services. Together, we can secure fair and decent work for all care workers and ensure our communities have access to the care services they need.

We invite you to take action, by adding your voice to the campaign here:

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CFNU Canadian Labour Congress