For two days, April 20-21, the NSNU presented a hybrid event that welcomed over 200 nurses to participate from the comfort of their homes. It offered many of the trappings of a regular AGM without the risks associated with prohibited gatherings.

COVID-19 once again sidelined any hope of hosting an in-person Annual General Meeting. But unlike 2020, the Nurses’ Union powered on, providing a format that was accessible, interactive, informative and productive.

In all, fifteen resolutions were debated, full financial reporting was undertaken, our keynote-presenter captivated viewers, and we heard from some very special friends of our nursing community.

Messages of support and love were sent to the NSNU from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Queen’s representative in Nova Scotia, the Honourable Arthur J. LeBlanc, Lieutenant Governor, Premier Iain Rankin, The Barra MacNeils, the women of CTV’s The Social, Nova Scotia’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Robert Strang, Chief Public Health Officer of Canada, Dr. Theresa Tam, NSNU’s founder Tom Patterson, award winning Cape Breton singer/songwriter, Gordie Sampson, hockey idol Sidney Crosby, famed fiddler Natalie McMaster, local TV personalities including Steve Murphy, Paul Brothers, Alyse Hand, Tom Murphy and Amy Smith, multiple union allies in this province and beyond, and many more friends.

Check out the videos online at nsnu.ca/AGM2021PhotosandVideos. You’ll need your login credentials to view the messages.

In the coming weeks and months, the revised Constitution, Policy Manual and other documents will be posted online at nsnu.ca, once staff have had an opportunity to make appropriate changes resulting from business conducted at the AGM.

Congratulations are in order for Janet Hazelton. She did an incredible job of chairing the meeting and making the daunting task of hosting 12-hours of live broadcasting look effortless.

Many thanks to the staff of the NSNU who worked tirelessly on the production, which was an overall success.

There's even more NSNU news and highlights in the full newsletter. Stay up to date and download today.

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