Preparing for Pride 2022

The Nova Scotia Nurses’ Union is eagerly preparing for Pride 2022, and this time, traditional Parades and live Pride events are back in full force! With both virtual and in-person events on the calendar this year, you’re sure to find an opportunity to celebrate Pride in whatever way makes you most comfortable. 

The NSNU is proud to sponsor Pride events and performances across the province, including a Halifax Pride Gold sponsorship. Halifax Pride, Cape Breton Pride, and other organizations across Nova Scotia are working hard to create events that celebrate the history, culture, activism and perseverance of the queer community.  

The NSNU is excited to be marching in various parades across the province, including the Halifax Pride Parade on Saturday, July 16. President Janet Hazelton celebrated at her local Truro Pride Parade on June 25 and many other NSNU staffers and Board Members will be attending Pride events across the province all summer. 

We encourage our members to celebrate by joining the Pride events are most convenient to them. You can find information about Pride and more about Pride events in your area at

We are proud to represent many members within the 2SLGBTQ+ community, working in acute, long-term and community settings across the province. 


Pick the right event for you
From parades to parties attending 
virtually or in a crowd, there’s a Pride event for everyone! Check out what is going on in your area. 

Wear comfortable shoes
You should plan to be on your feet all day, so make sure your Pride ‘fit features comfy and supportive shoes.

Charge your phone
You’ll need a full battery for optimal memory-making, photo-taking, Insta-storying and accessing online resources.

Show your colours
There’s no right or wrong way to dress for Pride. Celebrate in something comfortable, but don’t be afraid to dress loud, proud and colourful!

Be receptive
Along with a colourful outfit and comfy shoes, be ready for a day of love, celebration and inclusivity. 

Go with friends
Pride is about connecting, meeting new people and celebrating with the ones you love. Use the buddy system to stick together.

Happy Pride, this month and every month!

There's even more NSNU news and highlights in the full newsletter. Stay up to date and download today.

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CFNU Canadian Labour Congress