Education Day 2022

The nursing profession is both deeply challenging and incredibly rewarding. To reflect those truths, the theme of the 2022 Education Day is Resilience: from Hurting to Healing. 

The day, now planned as an in-person event on October 14th in Truro, is designed to help NSNU members appreciate the burden of grief they carry as health providers and provide resources and encouragement to increase resilience.

Participants will hear and learn from award-winning experts, authors and advocates who’ll share the lessons they’ve learned from dealing with trauma, survival and resilience. 

Dr. Jackie Kinley, MD, CEO and AIR Faculty Lead at the Atlantic Institute of Resilience will guide us through an informed discussion on mental fitness - a shift from an illness approach to a growth mindset. An expert in the field, Dr. Kinley is a much sought-after presenter on the subject.

Janice Landry, an award-winning journalist, author and advocate, who will share the lessons she has learned from the incredible stories she has covered on trauma, survival and resilience. 

We will end the day with a motivational presentation that will leave us feeling hopeful and invigorated. Alvin Law will recount his incredible and engaging story as a survivor of the thalidomide tragedy and the extraordinary life he has come to lead, including the attitude that helped him get there.

The NSNU Education Committee and staff look forward to seeing you on October 14th and hope the day will contribute to building resilience and strength in our nurses. 

This summer watch for e-memos from the NSNU regarding registration and participation. One representative from each local (local executive or designate) will be responsible for registering participants.

As per our current policy, all attendees will be required to be fully vaccinated.

There's even more NSNU news and highlights in the full newsletter. Stay up to date and download today.

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