As a member of the Nova Scotia Nurses' Union, what do you do if another union takes job action or goes on strike? As members of the NSNU, what are your roles, responsibilities and rights when your co-workers in another bargaining unit head to the picket line?

If strike or job action occurs, the NSNU will be in communication with you during those difficult times by using the Union Calling broadcast system. We will update the NSNU website as often as necessary. Staff and provincially elected representatives will be available to keep you informed.

If you have questions or concerns, we recommend that you first contact your Local Executive members for guidance and advice. Your Local leadership will have access to information via our Strike Action email address to answer questions they may have difficulty addressing. However, we encourage you to call the NSNU office at 1-800-469-1474 if you are still unclear about any aspect of the situation.

The NSNU takes the position that our nurses will not work, and cannot legally be compelled to work, on a unit that was not staffed by NSNU members immediately prior to the strike or lockout.

Further, NSNU nurses will not perform the work of CCAs, porters, dietary, or any other position that provides auxiliary health, administrative or support services, except where the nurses, in his/her professional judgement, deems it necessary to maintain the patient's immediate health and safety.

CFNU Canadian Labour Congress