Nurses Day of Action Makes National Waves

Dozens came out in support of the Day of Action rally held at the NSNU office on Friday, September 17th. Our gathering was one of many taking place across the country, in which thousands of nurses and supporters came together to say we are #DoneAsking, we are demanding meaningful change take place to improve conditions for nurses and all healthcare workers.

During the event, NSNU President Janet Hazelton addressed not only those present at the rally, but more than 90 who were participating via Facebook Live. Her presentation touched on issues that are familiar to nurses in Nova Scotia and across Canada – staffing shortages, excessive overtime and 24-hour shifts, unsustainable working conditions, and the need for consultation and changes that actually improve things on the front line.

The event also drew a heavy media presence. In the days leading up to the Day of Action, Janet Hazelton was interviewed by multiple media outlets, including Global, CBC Mainstreet Halifax and Cape Breton, CBC Information Morning and Saltwire’s Sheldon MacLeod, amongst others. These outlets and more were on hand to capture the rally, leading to extensive coverage in the evening and weekend news cycles.

Support for the national event was so significant that ‘Day of Action’ was trending on Twitter for over an hour. The NSNU also received a letter from the three new healthcare ministers about the campaign, which you can read on page 6 of this newsletter. With the attention of those in power, we have the ability to keep momentum going, hopefully leading to meaningful change. We are enthusiastic about the response, and hope nurses feel the support from your Union and fellow Canadians.

There's even more NSNU news and highlights in the full newsletter. Stay up to date and download today.

CFNU Canadian Labour Congress